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Supported Virtual Wallet Accounts In Hampshire

Supported Virtual Wallet Accounts in Hampshire

From 1st December 2023, all individuals who previously received support from Enham Trust to manage their direct payment will transition to a supported Virtual Wallet account with PPL.  

This means that payments for any support provided to you from 1st December will be processed by PPL, using your Virtual Wallet account. 

Before 1st December, PPL will contact you to understand more about the individuals and organisations that provide support to you, to ensure this information is set-up in your Virtual Wallet account and payments can be made. 

Below you will find more information about the new supported account service, information on how Virtual Wallet works and some frequently asked questions. 

Supported Virtual Wallet Account overview

Whilst the exact steps will be determined by your individual support arrangements, below is an overview of the process involved in getting your supported Virtual Wallet account up and running.

  1. PPL complete the initial set-up of your Virtual Wallet account, using information provided by Hampshire County Council.
  2. PPL contact you to confirm:
    • Your contact details and preferences
    • Information about individuals and organisations that provide support to you
    • The hours of support and rates of pay agreed between you and your support providers
  3. The individuals and organisations that provide support to you are invited to register on Virtual Wallet and complete their online registration.
  4. The Virtual Wallet support team set-up your existing support arrangements in Virtual Wallet and funding from Hampshire County Council is added to your Virtual Wallet account.
  5. Payments are processed to PAs and support providers from Virtual Wallet. 



Initial account set-up

Hampshire Council have provided details of all individuals who currently have a managed account with Enham Trust to PPL, enabling PPL to complete the inital set-up your Virtual Wallet account.

PPL are in the process of creating Virtual Wallet accounts for each individual and all accounts will be set-up ready to receive funding from Hampshire County Council on 1st December 2023.

On 1st December 2023, funding will be added to your Virtual Wallet account, which is for the cost of support for the following 4-week period. Additional funding will then be added every 4 weeks, in line with the schedule set by Hampshire County Council. 

All individuals have the option of receiving log-in details for their Virtual Wallet account, which will enable you, or an authorised representative, to access information about your account balance and payments online. 

Account set-up Frequently Asked Questions

Confirming your personal information

Hampshire County Council have provided the basic information required to set-up each individuals Virtual Wallet account, however, PPL do need to contact each individual to confirm:

  • Your contact details and preferences
  • Information about the individuals and organisations that provide support to you
  • The hours of support and rates of pay agreed between you and your support providers.

Whilst we are working through calling each individual, we understand that some people may prefer to confirm this information electronically. 

Below is a link to a simple form that enables you to provide some basic information about yourself and the individuals that provide support to you, which PPL can check against the details provided by Hampshire County Council.  

Individual Information Form 

Confirming your personal information Frequently Asked Questions



Registering your support providers

To ensure payments can be made to all PAs and support providers in line with their current payment schedules, it is important that all support providers register on Virtual Wallet.

All support providers can start this process by completing the form that is available by clicking on the below link:

Hampshire Provider Registration

Once the form is completed, PPL will send an invitation email to the support provider that contains a unique link, enabling the support provider to complete the registration of their own Virtual Wallet account online.

There is no cost to support providers for registering on Virtual Wallet.

Support provider registration Frequently Asked Questions


Setting up your support arrangements in Virtual Wallet

Once PPL have confirmed who provides support to you and your support providers have registered, the Virtual Wallet support team will set-up your support arrangements in your Virtual Wallet account. 

The way this works is determined by the way in which support is provided to you. 

Most commonly, the majority of support is provided by an employed personal assistant, a self-employed personal assistant or a support organisation. 

Information on how this works for each type of support provider can be found below. 

Support provided by Employed Personal Assistants 

If support is provided to you by employed personal assistants, you will have an established way of working with both your employees and your chosen payroll provider.

There will be no change to the payroll provider you work with or the day on which your PAs are paid.

PPL and Virtual Wallet can work with any payroll provider and have established ways of working with both Enham Trust Payroll and Independent Lives Payroll, which means your PAs will submit timesheets and you will approve timesheets in exactly the same way you do currently, directly with your chosen payroll provider.

Your chosen payroll provider will then process payroll calculations and pass this information to PPL, who will make payments to the PAs, HMRC and pensions provider using your Virtual Wallet account.

To ensure Virtual Wallet have the information required to process payments, is it important that all your PAs register their details with Virtual Wallet as soon as possible, and no later than 5 working days before their scheduled December payday. 

Employed PA Support Frequently Asked Questions

Support provided by self-employed Personal Assistants

If support is provided to you by self-employed PAs, you will have already agreed a schedule of support and hourly rate(s) with the individuals that provide support to you.

From 1st December, whilst all payments will be processed using Virtual Wallet, there will be no change to the schedule or frequency of payments to your self-employed PAs.

PPL will need to know the standard hours of support and the rate(s) of pay that have been agreed with each PA. Using this information, the Virtual Wallet support team will create a schedule of support in your Virtual Wallet account. 

Your PA will log into Virtual Wallet and confirm the hours of support provided. Where this matches the agreed schedule of support, payment to be PA will be processed automatically. 

You can log into your Virtual Wallet account at any time to review or dispute the hours of support confirmed. 

Self employed PA support Frequently Asked Questions

Support provided by care organisations

If support is provided to you by a care organisation, you will have already agreed a schedule of support and hourly rate(s) with the organisation that provides support to you.

From 1st December, whilst all payments will be processed using Virtual Wallet, there will be no change to the schedule or frequency of payments to your care provider.

PPL will need to know the standard hours of support and the rate(s) of pay that have been agreed with each care provider. Using this information, the Virtual Wallet support team will create a schedule of support in your Virtual Wallet account. 

Your care provider will log into Virtual Wallet and confirm the hours of support provided. Where this matches the agreed schedule of support, payment to be care provider will be processed automatically. 

You can log into your Virtual Wallet account at any time to review or dispute the hours of support confirmed. 

Support provided by care organisations Frequently Asked Questions

Other types of support and services

We understand that there are a wide range of other items and services from insurance, through to activities or equipment, that may be included as part of a support package.

Where these items or services have been agreed as part of your support package, Virtual Wallet can be used to make payment for them. 

Whether an invoice is presented by the provider for payment, or the individual claims a re-imbursement, payment can be processed through Virtual Wallet, either using your Virtual Wallet account online, or via our supported account team

If you have other items or services included as part of your package of support, please make the Virtual Wallet team aware when they call you, or provide this information using the form linked below.

Individual Information Form

Other types of support and services Frequently Asked Questions

Contact details

HCC Direct Payment Support Service



Virtual Wallet supported accounts team


Telephone: 0300 373 9259