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Rapid Hospital Discharge in Cheshire


Rapid Hospital Discharge

NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB are working alongside the Internal Discharge Teams at East Cheshire NHS Trust and Mid Cheshire Hospitals to enable individuals to return home safely and sooner, following in-patient treatment. 

Using a digital referral tool, approved healthcare practitioners are able to approve a one off grant for the individual, to enable the one-off purchasing of services or equipment where this will enable the individual return home at least 48 hours sooner than would be otherwise expected.


Rapid Hospital Discharge PHBs

This form is to be used by approved individuals from NHS Cheshire and Merseyside ICB to submit a Rapid Hospital Discharge referral to PPL.

To access the referral form, you will require your own Virtual Wallet log-in details.

If you do not have access to Virtual Wallet, please speak to your team manager or an approved referrer - a list of which can be found in the FAQs at the bottom of this page.

*The links below will open in a new tab in your browser'*

How to submit a referral:

Step 1: Ensure you are logged into Virtual Wallet - you can do this by clicking on the link below.

Log into Virtual Wallet

Step 2 - Access the referral form by clicking on the link below.

Please note that if you click this link without first logging into Virtual Wallet, an 'object not found' error message will be displayed.

Create new rapid discharge referral

Step 3 - Complete the online referral form.

Step 4 - Clicking 'submit' will send the referral across to the PPL Support Team.

You will receive two notifications from the PPL Support Team - the first will confirm that the referral has been received and is being processed. The second notification will confirm when processing is complete.

For more information on submitting a referral, you can download our short guide using the below link.

Rapid discharge referral guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact details

Virtual Wallet support team


Telephone: 03300 582692