Virtual Wallet supports NHS organisations and local authorities to deliver personal health budgets, direct payments, Individual Service Funds (ISFs) and one-off payments and grants, to take your organisation to the next level.
The funding organisation makes one simple payment into the Virtual Wallet central fund and budgets are then allocated to individuals. The individual is then able to choose, book and buy care, support and products to meet their specific needs. Virtual Wallet then automatically processes payments to the providers and personal assistants.
Virtual Wallet also enables robust financial monitoring and complete transparency on budget spend for all parties. It also enables individuals to continue to have choice and control over their care and support, without the hassle of having to make payments themselves or send in receipts.
Our team would be happy to have a quick chat to explain more and discuss the options.
Why should Local Authorities and ICBs use Virtual Wallet?

Thought leadership and insight
PPL, the company that has developed Virtual Wallet, are experts in the delivery of direct payments and personal budgets, across health and social care. Below are just some of our blog articles, focussing on direct payments and PHBs:

Direct Payments Analysis 2022/23
Read our Direct Payment Analysis 2022/23We don't just do Virtual Wallet!
PPL also provide payroll services, directories, PA recruitment tools and supported accounts, to provide a full service offering to individuals and commissioning authorities.